New Maltesers Teasers Chocolate Spread

By Grocerygems @grocerygems

There are quite a few new chocolate and biscuit spreads on the supermarket shelves this month but the one that appealed to me the most was this Maltesers Teasers with Malty Crunchy Pieces spread. 

The spread has a great appearance - it looks very thick and is packed full of the malted honeycomb pieces. Unlike the other Mars branded chocolate spreads, Galaxy and Milky Way, that were released last year in squeezy plastic tubes (see review HERE), the Maltesers Teasers spread comes in a reusable glass pot.

I really enjoyed the texture of this spread, the generous amount of malt pieces provides that recognisable crunch that gives way to a slightly chewier feel, just like the Maltesers Teasers chocolate bar. The chocolate itself has an extremely sweet flavor that, whilst tasty, is fairly generic. However, I was slightly disappointed by the lack of actual malt flavor here, it's missing that malty taste that I would expect from a Maltesers spread. Apart from a subtle hint of malt at the end of each bite, there wasn't that distinct flavor of a Maltesers crunchy center within the spread itself - which was surrprising given it's appearance!. Despite that, it's still an enjoyable and unique product and I know this jar will not last long at all. Mr. Grocery Gems suggested we use it to decorate chocolate cupcakes - with a few extra Maltesers on top too! 
Grocery Gems Verdict: Maltesers Teasers Spread
RATING: 7 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Probably.
Nutrition (per 20g): 108 calories.
Purchased: Sainsbury's
Price: £1.99 (200g jar).