New Look Maxi Dress

By Dusana Bozenkova
Two weeks ago we went on holidays to St.Tropez.
As Mark Black said: Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax. 
We had an amazing time, the old town, port and the sea are just beautiful.
Pregnancy is a great time to slow things down, so make the most of your holidays and enjoy your time away from everyday worries.
Staying comfortable is very important when you are expecting a baby. The right clothes and shoes can make a difference. 
Especially if you are pregnant during the summer. 
That's why the maxi dress is a must have. This is a one dress that you can wear for any occasion when expecting.
I love maxi dresses, they are cozy, fashionable, practical, they look great and you can style them anyway you like. 
We took many pictures during our vacation and I decided to share a few with you.
What I'm wearing: Sunglasses: Versace  Dress: New Look