New Look Duster Jackets | Wishlist

By Littlefashionthoughts
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Oh, Autumn, how I have longed for you. Whilst web browsing the other day for coats, I came across New Look's mass of Duster Jackets. Now, these aren't exactly going to keep me warm, but I couldn't care less, I made it through one winter with just a leather jacket because I didn't like any of the coats in the stores. I really desperately want the middle one, though I'm not always a fan of wearing anything that isn't black, but I love the style and the colour, the way it hangs. Though, saying that I also really love the black one, if I could I would buy both. The third, pale blue duster jacket is incredibly pretty and looks to be a lot warmer than the other two, though as pretty as it is, it's not in my character to wear anything this colourful, nor would I trust myself with something so light, for I would no doubt end up spilling something down it.