New Look

By Sweetapple19 @sweetappleyard

I was having some technical difficulties with Sweet Apple! Sorry if you came to visit and got a big fat nothing. Even now, some of my posts have disappeared and rearranged. I think it might have something to do with a certain apple playing with the code...oops. I decided this was a good time to take it offline and really have a play with the design and get it looking more professional. So here it is....ta da! Much cleaner and simpler, which is what I'm all about these days. I have also added an 'about me' section for new readers and all the people who visit from overseas. I will drop in what I have written below so you can see the direction I am taking with the site.

About Me

Paediatric researcher (PhD)Amateur photographer in training
This blog is a space to share thoughts, opinions and moments. It has become an archive of my fall into the love of writing and photography. A journey which has lead me to pursue these hobbies as a career. Sweet Apple is a virtual scrapbook of my passions. Food, fashion, travel, adventure and taking snaps of everything and nothing in particular. My fascination with the world we live in, the people we share it with and how the hell we begin to navigate it, is evident throughout the contents. The little life lessons I have learned along the way are scattered everywhere, as they provide the best inspiration for putting honest words on paper. Nadine Gordimer said writing is a discovery. And every word I write on this blog helps me discover a thing or two about becoming a writer and a medical journalist. Above all else, everyone loves a good story.
Much love xx