New Level of No Women in Uman
By Gldmeier
without any comment on the festival of Uman and the idea of traveling there, the following signs and behavior behind it are distasteful to me... these signs are in light of something the news reported shortly before Rosh Hashana in Uman about some people making trouble because some stalls in the market were managed by women or they employed women in the stalls. Many of the Breslav men who travel to Uman want to be what they consider pure and not have to see any women at all while in Uman. the following signs were hanging in Uman. Signs directly against women - not specifically immodesty or whatever - just women in general. One is a sign calling on people to not buy in stalls that employ women and do not have the "hechsher". The second is a picture of the hechsher certifying that a store does not employ women (and explicitly does not endorse the kashrut of said store)
some people are running a real racket there. Bringing the "protection" aspect of the Mea Shearim and Bnei Braq mafia in Israel (about which articles and news reports have recently been published. I am not just making it up) to Uman...
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