New Job

By Advsinwtloss @advsinwtloss
Couldn't come up with any cute way of titling this so there ya go.
Just wanted to drop a note.
So, as much a I like my current job I am moving on to a job with more opportunity and better pay. I will be working for a health insurance company starting next month. I'm writing about this on my blog for a few reasons...
  1. I want to brag and share my news
  2. I wanted to mention how I will have a long walk from my car to my desk so I'll be getting a lot more exercise than I am now at my current job.
  3. They have an awesome cafeteria so I'm getting ready to ditch the Weight Watchers frozen meals which could leave room for problems. However, I will be working on the top floor and the cafeteria is on the first floor. It's much more expensive and time consuming to go down to the cafeteria, so I think I'm sticking to my WW meals because I will only have a thirty minute lunch anyway.
So there, it's weight loss related after all ;-) That's all for now. Thank you for reading.