The week I spent leading a team of 18 college-age volunteers in New Jersey was challenging, wonderful, eye-opening, intense, emotional, and powerful. From the extreme affluence of the Princeton campus to the immense poverty of inner-city Trenton, from day centers for adults with Down Syndrome & autism to Assisted Living homes for elderly people who have lost their independence, from time spent weeding so women recovering from addictions can have a vegetable garden to time spent in conversation with each other and our new friends: God was at work, through us and in us. I have dozens of stories that I would love to share, but all I will say now is this: the demographics that society have forgotten are the people that we must seek after, value, love & adore. We have a responsibility to shed light in the dark. So do it! There are always places where we can volunteer our time & efforts. We just have to find them.
a big thank you to my gorgeous guest bloggers of the week! I loved reading your posts. I'll be back this week with regular posts & some fun spring photos. xo!