New Improved Chicken World

By Sue15cat

The old farmstead is echoing with banging at the moment, over the course of the last couple of days between other jobs Lovely Hubby is building a new and improved Chicken World.      Now all the fence posts are in and the top rail is on all the way round.    So today he is stretching the wire and attaching the stock fencing.  Fingers crossed if the good weather continues he will be able to get the chicken wire 'skirt' around the bottom tomorrow. Foxes if they can't easily jump over a fence will try to dig under it and good width of chicken wire lying flat on the ground, hidden by the grass growing through it is a brilliant fox deterrent.  So it's our plan to take a length of chicken wire fold it in half to an 'L' shape and then attach the upright part to the stock fencing and lay the horizontal part flat on the grass, pegged down all around and hopefully foil Mr Fox and his family.
  The chickens are enjoying their unusual level of freedom and while we are out and about around the house are safe from predators.
  They don't know why Mum keeps taking photos though and always come over to see what I'm up to.   Sue xx