New Image Sizes Being Used

Posted on the 18 September 2022 by Hmcurator

Or, turning lemons into lemonade. I recently ran out of storage on the Harvey Mercheum Dropbox. The email notification I received about this certainly felt like life handing me lemons. After some consideration, I decided to stop backing up the "uploads", aka the images uploaded to be used for exhibits and posts, since I have the originals on my computer. This cut the backup from over 2GB to just over 50MB. This allows me to store more than one backup in Dropbox, and of course the backup runs quicker. But that's not the best part!

Some day, I will write a post about how one image turns into many when uploaded to WordPress. For now, suffice it to say that I have been hesitant to upload specially-sized images because I knew they would add to my storage requirements and fill my Dropbox quicker. Now that I am not backing up images, the only limitation is my Siteground hosting plan, and they give me 10GB!

For the past four exhibits, I have created a 150×150 thumbnail image to use as the post "Featured image", and a 1200×630 image to use on Facebook by linking it in the "Social" tab of the Yoast SEO extra area on the post. When I first started this website, I posted about the color choices I made for the logo. What I did not mention at the time is that the text areas of the website, for example this post you are reading, are not black and white. They are actually #FCFCFC and #1F1F1F. I did this because I read somewhere that it is easier on the eyes. I mention it now because the thumbnail images are background filled with #FCFCFC to blend with the area around them, not white.

I will continue making the extra sizes going forward, and work backward as time permits. What do you think of the changes? Let me know in the comments below, or use the Contact the Curator form!

About Jonathan Sternfeld

Jonathan has been collecting Harvey's Richie Rich since the summer of 1978. While he mostly focused on the comic books, he later discovered the wealth of merchandise that was also available. The lack of any sort of "checklist" as to what was made is what inspired him to create this website. He hopes fellow collectors find it entertaining and useful!
New image sizes being used

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