New Header Graphic Made by a New Friend and Fellow Poet!

By Shanesbookblog @shanesbookblog

A new friend aka *Anthonie* made me a custom Header Graphic the day I went on my Mini Vacation and I promised him I would publish a shout out the day I got back because he would not let me pay him! He Truly loves what he does and he is very talented at it and has a ton of passion and creativity as well!

Check out his blog  —> Anthonie’s Blog <—  and Maybe he will hook you up with one as well if you need one, Just be specific with what you want so it’s easier for him to make you one that you will love!

He is a Fellow Poet and Writer who also loves some of the Darker stuff that Poetry has to offer, so it should be a blast getting to know him over time! Thanks again for doing this for me Anthonie, You truly are a Genius when it comes to making these…I owe ya one bro! *I love it Btw* You understood exactly what it was I was looking for!

He has some incredible Poetry and other posts on Famous Poets from history on his blog and he also does a whole bunch of other stuff everyday, I particularly like the quote of the day posts, They are always fun and interesting! His blog is definitely one you need to be following! Also be sure to drop him some love for making all these Header Graphics for the WordPress community and spending a ton of his time and energy doing this for all the bloggers who request one…he is an awesome human being!