New Hairdo: Featuring That Shining Star

By Chaayen

I chopped off my locks! The weather was seriously too warm for my liking and my hair was getting a littler unruly, so off it went. I was going for a Mako Mori look from Pacific Rim but because of baby, my hairstylist said no-no to any form of change in style that would involve any chemicals. So now, according to my desk buddy, I looked like a woman who offended her hairstylist. 
Honestly, I like my new haircut. It is really chic. If my face looks fat, it has nothing to do with the hairstyle, it might be because I am starting to bloat *nervous laugh* To keep this post light-hearted, I am going to feature the pixel accessories from That Shining Star (cos I am one too!)

Pokemon Series
I have no idea how my little boy is going to resist wrining these off my ears when he arrives. *Faints* I was so inspired by these earrings, I actually went to join a live plushie bid to win a Pokemon plush so that I can feature it in the shoot (but dang, it has been delayed and may not arrive for a while, so I guess you will see these earrings featured again in another post on live bidding :P)
If you want your look to pop literally, pixel earrings really do the job. I feel like I walked out from a 90s video game. It just gives an immediate touch of vibrancy! I have actually never tried pixel style, and I actually quite like the swag that comes along with it!

Weather Series
So far, That Shining Star  has only launched 2 series and both don't disappoint. The rainbow necklace made me wanna do a crazy nyan cat vomiting rainbow, haha. Feeling sad, wear them up your ears. The droplets earrings are insanely adorable as well. Despite the sizes, the accessories are really light and doesn't give too much additional burden. 
Another good point about pixel accessories, the plastic, waterproof texture pretty much means you can wash them without the fear about spoiling them. Great for me again because I keep sweating non-stop lately. Is there something wrong with the weather? Or is it just me? Hope you guys had a good break off baby talk, cos from the next post onwards, Baby is taking over ForFunk again!