New Google Glass: a Groundbreaker in Wearable Tech

Posted on the 30 October 2013 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

Google’s new glass is on its way as the company’s shake-up entry has changed the entire course of wearable tech history. The device includes an ear bud to substitute the speaker in the current model and the new hardware will function with eyeglasses or shades.

In Google’s wording, “Explorers” (current testers) will get a chance to excamb their current models for the new ones, the company said in post recently published in Google+. The swap begins friday, November 1, and explorers will have 60 days to decide if they want new the device or not. 10,000 current testers also be able to convoke three friends into the program, which demands testers to ante up the current $1,500 price of the glasses.

Google has not said when the Glass will go on sale to the general public, though it is expected to be some time next year and additionally it is also not clear what hardware changes will be made. The Google Glass, has a high-resolution display and permits wearers use voice commands to take pics or videos and reach features like text-messaging, Google Maps & Google Search, e-mails and so forth. 

Glass has been a killjoy in wearable tech, discomforting its rivals. On the other hand, Samsung has thrown Galaxy Gear into the pot that works with its Android smartphones, has brought a breath of fresh air to wearable tech.