New Go Daddy phishing email going around so be careful. I have not received it but others have. Tip of the cap to Namepros member Tom Carl for posting the email he received. Most veterans would not fall for this but there are many newer domainers and business owners who may not know what to look for.
Email subject: Status Alert: Your account contains more than 9740 directories.
Dear Valued GoDaddy Customer.
Your account contains more than 937 directories and may pose a potential performance risk to the server.
Please reduce the number of directories for your account to prevent possible account deactivation.
In order to prevent your account from being locked out we recommend that you create special tmp directory
Use link below:
Then it appears to be a normal godaddy link using <a href> but it redirects to (Don’t click there)
They disguised their click-thru link good too by putting
Could maybe have fooled some newcomers.