New Gig: Movie Mezzanine

Posted on the 02 January 2013 by Jake Cole @notjustmovies
This morning, Sam Fragoso of Duke and the Movies launched his new website, Movie Mezzanine. I'm proud to say that I will be serving as senior editor and the head of the site's DVD/streaming section. Sam is a great guy with a lot of passion, and the team he assembled is superb. Many of my favorite bloggers are taking part, and I cannot wait to really get underway with this incredible staff.
We've hit the ground running with some year-end reviews, including a staff feature of our aggregated picks for the best of the year. Check it out to see our picks and blurbs (I cover Bernie, The Color Wheel, The Day He Arrives, This Is Not a Film and Moonrise Kingdom), and take a look at our individual ballots here (note: mine is slightly different from the one I put on this site because I removed undistributed titles).
My activity on this blog may drop in the future as I devote more time to Movie Mezzanine, but a lot of what I will put there would likely have gone here anyway. I will update this blog with any exclusive content, as well as any links to new articles elsewhere. So set your bookmarks for this exciting new site, and I'll see you there!