New Gadget: The June Tailor Pintastic!

By Sewchicago @sewchicago

(Image source: June Tailor)

Our chapter President, Connie, asked me once, “How many pincushions does one need?” At the time, I laughed because I didn’t have an answer. But, it seems that June Tailor does know the answer: Zero!

Throw out your tomatoes. Chuck your hand-crafted cushion. Scrap your scrapbuster because June Tailor introduces the Pintastic Automatic Pin Dipsenser.

Introducing Pintastic, The Automatic Pin Dispenser!

Ok, I admit, I’m being a bit facetious here, partly because I’m just not a gadget person. So, I watched the video to see what the Pintastic was all about.

I did see the Pintastic at Hancock Fabrics this weekend. For me, it has a large footprint — it would take much more room than a pincushion or even two pincushions. The “cement mixer” internal part is a bit loud, so if you’re trying to do some sewing tasks done in the middle of the night while DH and the kidlets are asleep, this might not be the best solution. The Pintastic is priced anywhere from $40 to $59.99.

On the plus side, if reaching for pins is a problem you face, this might be a solution for you, since it “hands” you a pin one-at-a-time, with the head up.

Here’s one person who seems to enjoy her new Pintastic.