New Friends and Creative Wedding Ideas

By Claire

One of the stars of the show was Sian from Angela’s Attic. Sian makes stun­ning vin­tage brooch bou­quets and faux flower dis­plays.

Sian’s stand: Angela’s Attic

Muncaster’s din­ing room — ele­gance, class and his­tory with amaz­ing views of the Lake Dis­trict fells from your wed­ding break­fast

Julie’s cakes were gor­geous and tasted fan­tas­tic. I loved the cup­cakes, and this tiered wed­ding cake was eye catch­ing in the sun­light.

My Dad was tak­ing pic­tures in a qui­eter moment at the fair! Look at the set­ting — what a gor­geous room for a wed­ding fair.

Cal­lig­ra­phy labels for jam jars and bot­tles —

As ever though, being at the wed­ding fair made me realize that not every­one knows about wed­ding blogs. I think Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog’s 65,000 vis­its per month will sur­prise a few peo­ple I met at the wed­ding fair.

I took pic­tures of stands when I could catch them in a quiet moment — but there were plenty I missed so there’s a list of the sup­pli­ers I met here:

My home made wish­ing tree — (loved its lit­tle sunny spot!)

A table plan or escort card dis­play by

Wed­ding car hire from A Touch of Class — lovely guys but wouldn’t share the cham­pagne to calm my nerves!

Jan from shared some lit­tle taster sam­ples: cof­fee, choco­late and lemon. All offi­cially deli­cious! Thank you Jan!

Gras­mere Gin­ger­bread make gor­geous wed­ding favours both to look at and taste. Tried and tested — yum!

Gras­mere Gin­ger­bread also offer a cal­lig­ra­phy ser­vice, from my friends Brian and Janet at Beau­ti­ful isn’t it!

Julie’s cup­cakes were deli­cious — and so pretty!

Cal­lig­ra­phy by Urbis Scrip­tores for Gras­mere Gin­ger­bread. Gorgeous!

State­ment jew­ellery by LK from Blonde Soror­ity Retail. Chelsea was great com­pany as my stand neigh­bour at Muncaster Cas­tle!

Julie’s bird­cage wed­ding cake was a big hit with every­one com­ment­ing on the design.

The wed­ding fair at Muncaster was a suc­cess for many — one bride-to-be had bought her wed­ding dress within an hour of the fair start­ing! She was delighted and had the won­der­ful expe­ri­ence of try­ing her wed­ding dress in one of the lux­ury bed­rooms in Muncaster Castle.

I hope to be back at Muncaster next year with more wed­ding cal­lig­ra­phy ideas and per­haps to talk about wed­ding blogs a lit­tle more as well. For now though, hello to all of my new friends form the fair, and I hope to see you again soon!

Claire x

I was asked a lot of ques­tions about the but­ter­fly place cards with cal­lig­ra­phy, and lots of you liked the apples as escort cards too!