The extended sneak peek into this movie explores the relationship between control freak, Christian Grey (portrayed by actor Jamie Dornan) and Anastasia Steele (played by Dakota Johnson). Luke Grimes (who truebies will remember played the vampire James for one season of HBO’s True Blood) plays the role of Christian’s brother, Elliot Grey. While the following movie trailer revolves mostly around the dynamics of Anastasia’s and Christian’s relationship, if you persevere, you will be granted a short snippet of Luke Grimes!
Will you be checking out out Fifty Shades of Grey movie when it is released on Valentine’s Day 2015 just because Luke Grimes is in it? Or were you a fan of the books already? Let us know by commenting below!
Source: Movie Web – Full-Length ‘Fifty Shades of Grey ‘ Trailer Is Here!
(Photo Credit: HBO Inc.)