meta WhatsApp is constantly rolling out new features for Windows users. Recently, the company has introduced the facility of playing voice notes outside chats for beta users. Now WhatsApp is rolling out the feature of customizing the chat wallpaper. At present, with the new update, it has been brought to only a few beta testers. In the future, all users will be able to use it. Read further for details.
You will be able to customize the chat wallpaper of WhatsApp
The latest report by WABetainfo, a website that keeps an eye on the upcoming features of WhatsApp, states that after installing the latest update from the Microsoft Store, some lucky beta testers are getting a new feature to customize the chat wallpaper. Seeing this, it seems that the popular instant messaging app is working on bringing different features for Windows users.
Bear in mind that for the time being, this has only been rolled out to a few beta testers. The Chat wallpaper feature will be rolled out to everyone else with future app updates.
Has your account got the new feature?
If you want to see whether this feature has come for your account or not, then open the setting of the app. After this go to the personalization option. Please tell that from this section you can change the wallpaper of all chats.
From here you will be able to see whether you are getting the option to customize the wallpaper or not. Hopefully WhatsApp Doodle can be found as a tool to customize the wallpaper.
New feature also came for phone app
Apart from WhatsApp Windows, the company is also bringing many features for iOS and Android users. Recently the company has rolled out a feature called Lock Chat. With the help of this, now you will be able to lock the chat.
The locked chat feature is available to some beta testers after installing WhatsApp beta for iOS on TestFlight. Users need to go to Chat Info and check whether the Lock Chat feature is enabled for you or not. Locked chats will appear in a separate Locked Chats section. To access it, you have to use Face ID and Touch ID.