New Facebook Group – The Original Alt Left

Posted on the 26 January 2017 by Calvinthedog

I just created my own Alt Left Facebook – The Original Alt Left – group not out of vanity but because one of my comrades asked me to form my own group and offered to be the moderator.

The Alt Left has become a brand name now and most of the wings are getting pretty far away from the original values and manifestos as written by Rabbit, me, Ryan England and a few others.

They are either full of conservatives or spending all their time fighting SJW’s or worst of all, simply somewhat less insane versions of SJW’s. A lot of others have taken a very hard line against Left economics and is proposing Keynesianism and social democracy instead. Nothing wrong with that, but the original idea was that the  Alt Left should be open to consider all forms of Left economics. We are not anti-Communists! Leave that crap to the Right.

The original Alt Left was also quite a bit more socially conservative that most of the present wings.

In addition, the Alt Left as envisioned by Rabbit and me was to be a place where anything could be discussed and any sacred cows could be gored. As such it was race realist, gender realist or red-pilled, sexual orientation realist, gender identity realist, etc.

Almost all present wings have abandoned race realism as too much of a hot potato, but this group will continue allow discussion of racial differences with a Left viewpoint.

Any of my readers are certainly welcome to join.

Here is a description of the group that I wrote:

This is an Alternative Left group created by me, Robert Lindsay, who believe it or not is the person who actually created the Alt Left. However, now that the Alt Left has become a name brand with more wings than a flock of geese, many of these wings have gotten seriously away from the original intentions of me and some of the other early thinkers.

The main way they are diverging is towards conservatism. We are not conservatives! i do not know how many times we need to shout that from the rooftops. We are people of the Left – liberals, progressives, Leftists, socialists, Communists and anarchists. Now granted we rather weird and dissident Leftists, we are nevertheless of the Left. While social conservatives can stay, all other conservatives will be banned on sight. No supporting the US conservative movement, the Republican Party or Trump.

Another way the Alt Left has gotten away is that some wings are simply less insane versions of SJW insanity. We are anti-SJW and anti-PC to the core. Nevertheless, we still support the basic goals of all these liberation movements when they began. Our motto is, “We signed up for Liberation, not insanity!” We are for equal rights but against weirdness, insanity and the general Cultural Left Freakshow.

We are pro civil rights and against real racism. However, modern anti-racism has gone insane. MLK would not recognize this clown car. 80% of what is called sexism, racism, homophobia or antisemitism is nothing of the sort. It is just real talk by real people. Nevertheless there are ugly racists, nasty antisemites, misogynistic men and women who hate men. These are the real forms of prejudice and we will oppose those all the way.

A third way the Alt Left has gone out of control is that it spends most of its time attacking SJW’s and says almost nothing about the menace of Trump and modern Republican Party who are imposing a proto-fascist dictatorship on us.

All women are welcome to join! Please do!

Black people are more than welcome as are those of any other race! Come on in!

Sexual minorities are also welcome though they may dislike the tone.

Of course, socially conservative Leftists are more than welcome! You are the whole reason for this movement.