The charts above use information in the latest CNN / SSRS Poll -- done between December 6th and 9th of a national sample of 1,015 adults, with a 3.8 point margin of error.
It shows that Trump's job approval is still upside-down, with approval at 39% and disapproval at 52% -- a negative gap of 13 points. And that disapproval over approval has been remarkably constant over the last two years -- meaning it is unlikely he can fix it in the future.
That disapproval extends to his individual policies. The public disapproves of the way he's handling immigration by a 15 point margin, foreign affairs by an 18 point margin, environmental policy by a 25 point margin, the Mueller investigation by a 28 point margin, and foreign trade by an 11 point margin.
The only area he has more approval than disapproval is in his handling of the economy, and even there the approval is just a plurality -- not a majority.