New Climate Change Book Offers Inspiration for Urgent Action

Posted on the 15 March 2018 by Loup Dargent @loup_dargent

"Are We Awakened Yet? How to Save Our Earth" - Cover

There are thousands of books on climate change and taking care of our Earth. "Are We Awakened Yet? How to Save Our Earth" differs by diving deep into explaining how we, the humans of the industrialized world, created this huge problem by ignoring the facts that scientists have been warning us about for the last 40 years, and why we are not putting the health of our Earth on our radar.
"By not acting, we lose lives and go through the horrible pain of destruction in the form of hurricanes, earthquakes, and wildfires," said author Ilka Handsaw, who has won writing awards in Bulgaria for describing the wonders of Mother Earth and on social justice. "We spend a lot more money to repair and restore life in cities, homes, and islands. But - most importantly - we deprive our children of living normal lives in a stable, livable, and healthy planet. As Gandhi said: 'One should care about the world one will not see!' In other words, we should care about the future of our loved ones, kids, and grandkids. And even if you might be someone that doesn't believe in it, what's wrong with making the Earth cleaner and greener?"
Providing credible, well-researched statistics on our current global climate changes from reputable sources, Earth lover Ilka Handshaw passionately inspires readers to awaken to what matters the most: sustain life on our planet, our only home, by:
  • Conserving our precious resources, especially by not wasting food
  • Lowering our carbon footprint
  • Educating and inspiring others to do the same.
Because our dear Earth is in trouble:
  • We need to stop procrastinating
  • We also need to be honest with ourselves and own up to what we need to do for our planet's health as well as for our own lives. We need to take responsibility for everything that happens.
  • We should act now, before is too late.
Book Reviews:
"An easy-to-read book which provides powerful statistics about what we are doing to destroy the planet Earth and ways we can rebuild it. I applaud the author who has researched extensively and sets the scene for current global climate changes, pesticide usage on our food and how we can enlighten ourselves to truly understand how important it is to take a stand against the polluters and those destroying our Mother Earth - our home. I highly recommend this book for all who are ready to become awakened to the gift we have been given with our beautiful environment, plants, lakes, oceans, and air and to begin turning the tide so we may together create a healthy planet. Bravo to Ilka Handshaw," said Linda Ellis Eastman, CEO of The Professional Woman Network.
"I highly recommend this handbook about the state of our planet. I spend a lot of time enjoying the outdoors and traveling to see our natural wonders. I have heard a lot of controversy over "the real facts about the changes our earth is going through" and "Is there a problem or not." I needed a book that would help me understand what is going on with our environment without being overwhelmed. I got lucky with Ilka Handshaw's book on the earth and what's going on. It was fact based and concise and it actually gave ways I can help save our planet on a day to day basis," said Alison Evanzo, an annuity and insurance specialist at a bank in Grand Rapids.
"The more dialog we have about our responsibility to our planet and each other, the better! This book was well organized, and an easy read. It is something you can read in an afternoon or two, but that will make you think for much longer than that. Lots of interesting facts," said Rivka Kawano, Author of "What to Post."
"Great book to awakening our heart to take care of our planet we were give," said Christine Gross, MMT (Medical Massage Therapist).
About the Author:

Ilka Handshaw

Ilka Handshaw was born in Bulgaria, studied languages in high school and graduated from a university in Bulgaria. She also loves helping people be healthier and was always learning about the subject since a child.She always had an amazing affinity for Mother Nature and spent a lot of time hiking, traveling, and enjoying the beaches.Here, in the USA she wrote articles about health and the benefits of essential oils for well being. She specializes in teaching and coaching others to health.A few years ago, she got the calling to express her love and concern for the well-being of Mother Earth. This is how her book was born.SOURCE: Ilka Handshaw