New Chumra: Bought from a Goy After Pesach

By Gldmeier @gldmeier
I was in the supermarket the other and spotted this sticker on some items. I had never before seen such a sticker that I can remember...

It says the item was purchased from a goy after Pesach 5778.
We've gotten used to stickers saying it is made from flour ground after Pesach. This is an interesting new sticker. Things generally would be covered by the hechsher or by the ishur that the store sold its chametz, but who is to say that after Pesach they did not buy chametz, even unknowingly, from a Jew that did not sell his chametz for Pesach? This sticker assures the consumer that the item was bought after Pesach from a goy. It could also mean that they sold it for Pesach to a goy and after Pesach bought it from the goy. So this does not really tell us much, but I guess it makes people feel like they are being machmir on something
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