New Cat Mom.

By Samantha Curtis @hooahandhiccups
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group®, Litter Genie® and Fancy Feast®, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #Catparents

I never in my wildest dreams thought I would get a cat. I've always had dogs and I guess I never knew enough about them to get one. But then for some reason, I started getting "kitten fever", you know, like "baby fever"?. So when my friend told me that it wasn't working out with her cat and the kitten they had rescued, I decided to do a little trial run with the kitten. 

Well then I fell in love. She was cuddly, friendly, and everything I thought a cat wasn't. She seemed more like a dog! But I honestly didn't know the first thing about cats. How do they sleep? How do you litter box train them? Do they go to the vet too? Do they get groomed? What do you feed them? Seriously, I was clueless. 
So I started doing some research and asked around on Twitter and to family friends who have cats. Turns out my kitten was already litter box trained, but I didn't know when to clean it. How much litter do I use? What do I do with the mess once I clean it? 
Well I was cleaning it everyday and at at the very least, every other day. I would have to take a bag of trash out all the time because I didn't want it to smell up my kitchen. So then I heard about the Litter Genie and thought BINGO! I need that. 
It works the same way the Diaper Genie does; open the lid, put in the clumps, and pull the tab. Problem solved. The waste is sealed away for 14 days and it makes the whole litter box situation so much easier. Because to be honest, that's the thing I was most afraid of when deciding to get a kitty. I didn't want my house to smell and this was the perfect solution to that. I found mine at Target on the bottom shelf of the cat aisle, and the refills are right next to it. 

I also didn't know what to feed her. Wet or dry food? I knew my friend who I got her from had started her on something dry, so I decided to try a different dry brand and a wet brand to see what she liked best. We tried the Fancy Feast variety pack, and she LOVED it. I tried to mix it with dry food at first and she didn't seem too interested, but when I put it in a bowl by itself, she ate the whole thing! And the serving sizes are on the box... so even clueless new kitty owners like me knew how much to give her. 

The first couple of weeks were kind of crazy; within the first week, she had somehow broken her tail and needed to get it amputated. I've never seen something so crazy. I'll spare you the details but it was pretty disgusting... thank God Zach was there to help me! But we loved her like one of the family already and did whatever we needed to do to nurse her back to health. 

The kids love her; I wasn't sure what to do about clawing because I had only ever heard of kittens needing to get declawed. But after asking around and doing some research, we decided to skip it and go a different route. She's naturally turned some of our wicker baskets into scratching post, which I really don't mind. And she's never ever scratched any of us. And trust me, the kids are a little rough with her and she just plays right back :)
Cats are great. I honestly knew nothing about them before getting her and I'm not sure how I went 28 years without one. Her name is Sofia but we seem to just call her "Cat" more than anything. It's not like she answers to Sofia anyways so hey, whatever works right? She's self-sufficient but loves to cuddle and snuggle up while I'm working or laying on the couch. She's been such a great addition to our family. 

To all my cat lovers out there, Target is running a promotion until 4/11/15; buy any 2 Fancy Feast 24-pack or Litter Genie and Refill combination and get a free Cat Toy or Friskies Party Mix cat treat! While supplies last of course... so get there soon :)   
Where my cat lovers at? Any tips or advice on raising a kitten?!