New Blogging Schedule & Social Media

By Aworldfullofprettiness
For those people who read my blog regularly, I'm hoping you would have begun to see some sort of frequency to my posts over the past couple of weeks. I've made extra effort to post on a regular basis and have finally (after 4 yrs of blogging!) decided to stick to a set schedule. That way, you'll know when to expect a post so you'll know when to tune in.
New blog posts will go live every Tuesday and Friday at 9am.
Why not try subscribing to my blog via email? That way you'll get my posts delivered straight to your inbox! Just pop your email in the box on the right hand side of the page and away you go!

source: pinterest - dizzybrunette

Where else to find me?

I'm aware that not everyone who reads this follows me on all my other sites, but I'd love it if you came and joined me!
Personal Instagram - @kateld85
Blog Instagram - @aworldfullofprettiness
Why have 2 instagrams? I wish I never! But I'm currently in a place (in my mind) where I don't want my friends/family knowing my blog/youtube, so I like to keep the two separate. I was finding it frustrating that I couldn't promote my blog through my instagram so I felt like I had no other choice than to set a second account up. It's bloody hard work though!
Twitter - @katelou11
Youtube - @floridadream11
Pinterest - @kate1605
I've got lots of exciting blog posts planned so stay tuned!
Please share your social media below. I'm always on the look out for new Instagrammers to follow!