New Blog Design & Easter Recipes!

By Ourbabyblog @OurBabyBlogx
Hello all!
A bit of a random coupling in the title there, but I didn't want to spring such a big update on you without talking a little about it first! As you've probably noticed, we've had a big makeover here today, I say today, it started yesterday at midday and is still needs tweaking after 13 hours of editing! BUT, I'm finally happy enough with it to publish it, I think..
If you've followed my blog for a while, you would've seen me change the design so many times, but after a bit of a stressful start to the new year with anxiety and other bits going on, I wanted a fresh look for it, something simple but a little more current I guess. I'm really bloody proud of it actually, so I hope you all love it as much as I do, if there's anything not quite right or doesn't work, do let me know so I can sort it out!
Anyway, onto the actual reason why you've clicked on this post...cake.
My second favorite time of the year is coming up, Easter! The time when we can devour our body weight in chocolate and no one can judge you. This year however, I am going chocolate free, I've not eaten any for a good few months now and I can't even say I miss it (shock of the century to those that know me personally). But it doesn't stop me looking at lots of yummy treats and making some for the family anyway! 
Growing up, Easter was one of my favorite times of the year, firstly, every year, my Nan would host an Easter Egg hunt for the grandkids and we'd all be at her house for the day, each of us with a little wicker basket, searching for colourful eggs amongst the trees, bushes and the rockery, we all had one of each color to find, to stop us just collecting every egg we saw! There would be little yellow chicks everywhere, and even big easter eggs for the grown ups hidden on the tops of the greenhouse! We also had a tradition where my cousin and I were able to design our own Easter Bonnets (I really must dig out some photos!), we could do to them whatever we wished, add ribbon, add chicks, beads, glitter, anything! It was an amazing day and is something I really want to do with Abbie as she gets older too!
My go to recipe tends to be shortbread cookies at the moment, they're quick, easy, delicous and you can decorate them however you wish! I bought these adorable cookie cutters from Matalan a few weeks ago, so i'm looking forward to using those this year!
So without further ado, here is a little selection of some of my favorite Easter Inspired Recipes i've found!
Peanut Butter Cookie Pie by Crazy For Crust First of all, giant cookie, secondly, peanut butter and thirdly pie. I mean, do I really need to convince you anymore? Ok go on then, lets throw some Mini Eggs/M&M's on top too! And no, you don't need to share if you don't want to...
New Blog Design & Easter Recipes!
Creme Egg Brownies by Our Baby Blog You can't really write an Easter post and not include something about creme eggs can you?
New Blog Design & Easter Recipes!
Cake Batter Rice Krispie Cakes by Sally's Baking Addiction Chocolate Peanut Butter Birds Nests Click here for the recipe
Chick Macarons
by Sweet Explorations
Easter Bunny Popcorn Bars by Something Swanky

Carrot Cake Pops by Bakerella

Cadburys Magic Bars by Kleinworthco

Chocolate Chunk Hot Cross Buns by Simply Delicious Food

And last but by no means least..
Creme Egg Cheesecake
by Taming Twins

What are your plans for Easter this year?