New BioShock Infinite Gameplay Trailer Takes You to the Floating City

Posted on the 22 October 2012 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

It’s been a while since the last time we saw a BioShock Infinite trailer. Along with the change of the release schedule, the development of the game got a bit complicated. But now we have another new gameplay trailer to keep us anticipated to the next title of the popular series from the Irrational Games. This new trailer gives you a sneak peek at the floating city of Columbia.

This intensive gameplay trailer was made entirely with in-game footage which features a set of big guns, free-falling actions, tough enemies and bloody fighting scenes. Graphics of the game looks absolutely stunning in the environment set in 1912. So far, this game is starting look like a game-changer for the year 2013.

Check out the trailer after the break. New FPS will head out on 26th February 2013. Are you excited for the game?

[Source: YouTube]
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Roshan Jerad Perera