New Beauty Blog

By Thedivadoll @marlenefrierson
Hello my darlings! I know you are probably thinking... what the heck happened to her? The posts suddenly stopped and the banner looks quite different... Well... It is! I actually started a brand new beauty blog over on wordpress. When I first open up A BIG bit of Everything a little over 3 years ago. I just blogged about any and everything ( hence the name). I did that, because like some bloggers out there, I wasn't sure what exactly I wanted to blog about, I wasn't sure what I wanted this blogs niche to be. So then I started getting more and more into beauty, but I was still blogging about everything. So I had to make a decision. Because this blog means so much to me regarding being able to blog about whatever I wanted, I decided to keep this blog as more of a personal, ranting type blog.
My new Blog is strictly just about Beauty. I will have reviews, rants, swatch posts and some giveaways, but all Beauty related. This blog will have some giveaways ( non beauty related), Book reviews, my family life... that sort of thing.
So if you are following me on this blog because of all of my beauty posts, please hop on over to my new blog and follow there. The link to my Bloglovin to follow me will be there as well.
While creating the blog, a new venture set foot upon my life! I decided to open up my own business with Motives Cosmetics. I'm so excited about this venture and I will be at this years Makeup Show Orlando at he Krystal Makeup booth. I am helping her with her Motives booth as well as helping her as she launches her brand new Brush Belt line! So excited for her.
So hop on over to BEAUTY BY MARLY and get your dose of beauty again! There will also be a link to my Motives Cosmetics website on that blog!
Hope to see you there!