New Author: Afrosapiens

Posted on the 02 August 2015 by Calvinthedog

Nok culture terracotta, Nigeria (1000 BC – 300 AD)

Dear Robert,

I realize that I took too much advantage of your tolerance, I failed to take your warnings seriously and I apologize for having overpassed the limits too many times. I know that many commenters did not benefit from your patience as much as I did. However, I believe with great humility that my contributions to the conversations are generally positive. I try to bring objective and articulate insight in the discussed topics and I do everything I can to stick to the best conduct standards inspite of all the expressed opinions that hurt my sense of morality and rationality. If you wonder why I got near-emotional when commenting on some posts, the first thing I must say is that many mentioned my name, quoted statements of mine or were clearly derived from discussions I took part in. But that’s not all. As you noticed it, my interest in the posts about blacks and especially West African blacks is linked to my ethnic background. I’m an Haïtian Black adopted by White Gallo-Roman Catholic parents which in France stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant in the USA. It means more than white, it means the native ancestral dominant elite stock, “la crème de la crème” in other words. If you want to make an analogy with the US, I don’t react here as a black person but rather as typical liberal New Englander. The story of my life has doomed me to become the most leftist among the leftists, not the pro-welfare kind but the pro-self empowerment kind, giving people the opportunity to do the best for themselves is what true liberalism is to me. I know where I come from and I know where I ended up, I see the contrast and I realize how much life is not only about merit. I was born in the worst slum of Port-au-Prince and now I’m just starting a professional career at 23, I’m starting as a lawyer by September. I don’t do it for money but for self-fulfillment, I don’t need to earn money because I’m already wealthy, not by birth but by adoption and it feels totally different as I know how short I fell of living a life of slum dweller. Now I have a master’s degree and I grew up in an environment that engeneered me for excellence. Now you will ask what is my relationship to West Africa. Until I went to high school, my environment was almost 100% White native French, that’s only when I went to the elite Lycée of my city that I met West Africans who were almost the only minority alongside the Vietnamese in an otherwise still 95% White native French environment. Acknowledging the link between Haïti, my birth country and West Africa, the region where some (a minority) of my best friends’ parents were born, I developped a deep interest in the culture, history and society of this region of the world. This interest gradually extended to the wider West African diaspora with my focus on African Americans recently reaching its peak in a context of increased racial tension in the USA. After high school, I enjoyed a gap year to do volunteering across West Africa and Haïti, it then became an annual holiday hobby and these volunteering experiences in the 4th world are the most valuable parts of my life. In addition to that, I travel to other places as well, I’ve stayed two months in Toronto, went to Chicago, New York City, the UK, Germany, Italy and Spain for cultural trips. So I believe I have solid knowledge of different parts of the world. You said I did quite well in keeping my cool on your blog and I can’t agree more. Scientific racism is doesn’t only insult me, some of the most formidable persons I’ve met and millions more for nothing that we deserve, it is a great lie supporting a genocidal agenda and I can tell you I’m in a crusade against HBDers, race realists, hereditarians or whatever you want to call them. Even though I often feel targeted by these theories, I don’t lose my sense of objectivity and there is no truth that I avoid. If you give me one last chance, I promise I never break any rule on the blog and keep the standards of intellectual quality I impose to myself in my comments. Regards,
This is an edited version of the petition for reinstatement that I had to send when Robert banned me as a commenter posting under the pseudonym “Anti-Hereditarian”. Now as you can see, our relation has improved a lot, much more than my English. Robert has not only forgiven me, he has promoted me to the status of author and gave me a second reason to thank him. It’s already all said in the above letter, I’m an anti-racist liberal young black Frenchman, no one is perfect. I won’t be a very prolific author and most of my posts will deal with the controversy over race, the controversy over intelligence and the controversy over race and intelligence. I hope you will enjoy my post and have great conversations about them.