New Asda Dunkers (Bakery)

By Grocerygems @grocerygems

Asda have some lovely new oaty biscuits in their Chosen By You instore bakery range. These new Dunkers come in three varieties, Oat & Honey, Fruit, or Chocolate. I've been trying to find the Chocolate ones to review but they always seem to be sold out whenever I try. Instead I bought a pack of the Oat & Honey, a complete bargain at only 60p for 5 large oat cookies.

Image: Asda

Apparently Asda have launched this biscuits to be more robust than the usual cookie to withstand dunking in a hot cup of tea. The shape and consistency has been designed with this in mind to ensure the biscuits won't break or crumble when dunked.

The texture is very good, with a soft and slightly chewy consistency. They're not too sweet and are packed full of oats which makes them very filling. They're just a big oaty biscuit, like a much larger and softer Hob Nob. I actually made a cup of tea for the first time in weeks (I can't drink tea in hot weather), just to test out the dunkability, and they passed with flying colours. The rectangular shape is the perfect size for dunking and there were absolutely no crumbling incidents.

Image: Asda

Meanwhile, I'm still on the lookout for the Chocolate Dunkers!
Check out Asda's funny article on the "science" behind these new Dunkers - Are your biscuits tough enough? HERE
Grocery Gems Verdict: Asda Oat & Honey Dunkers
RATING: 8 out of 10
Buy them again?: Yes.
Purchased: Asda.
Price: £0.60p.