New Arizona Wildlife Notebook

By Garry Rogers @Garry_Rogers

Arizona Wildlife Notebook, Second edition

Arizona Wildlife Notebook CoverI have completed the second edition of the Arizona Wildlife Notebook!  The new Notebook has four more species groups than the first edition, and it has an expanded index.  The most important change is in the conservation status for each species.  This time, I standardized the information so that future changes will be easier to track.

The species groups included are:  Amphibians, Ants, Bats, Birds, Butterflies and Moths, Damselflies and Dragonflies, Fish, Grasshoppers, Lizards, Mammals, Snakes, and Turtles.  Additions are in bold type.

Arizona Wildlife Notebook serves as a checklist and notebook for Arizona species.  It has the latest information from the Arizona Game and Fish Department and other organizations, and it lists print and Internet resources for each species group.  The Notebook fills the need for a convenient place to record species sightings.

You can find Internet species lists for areas outside Arizona the references in my blog posts.  I urge you to make records of the wildlife you see.  Such information is an essential first step in species protection and we need it now.


Garry Rogers Garry Rogers