New and Better Things Are Coming to Magnolia Pearl.

By Emily @thatemilygirll

Hello, hello my lovely readers!

As I’m sure you all are aware, I have been slacking on making posts to my blog! I can not say sorry enough, and I will make up for lost times!

I’ve decided since I am busy with school and other things that I will be making a post called weekly wears. This post will be filled with all of the outfits/makeup/hair that I have worn throughout the week! I’m hoping that this will make it a little easier on me since I don’t have much free time to blog! Trust me, if I could blog full time, I sooooo would!

There are going to be other great surprises in store as well, I’m hoping to start adding some video blogs, and much more!

I’m sorry for leaving you and want to say thank you for staying with me and for continuing reading my blog!
