New Additions to Famed Vondelpark

By Amsterdam City Tours

Amsterdam’s Vondelpark is a 120 acre landmark in this bustling city. First opened in 1865, it has long been a center used by everyone from resting tourists to lounging students, joggers, dog walkers and wandering musicians.

At 146-years-old, the park has seen its share of wear and tear. While many restoration projects have been carried out to reinvigorate and enliven the park, none has been as meaningful as those sponsored by the Heart Foundation.

With the unveiling of 37 new and creatively designed benches throughout the park this September, the Heart Foundation is yet again showing their commmittment to keeping the park one of the most visited places in Amsterdam.

Indeed, each year over 10  million visitors grace the grassy knolls of Vondelpark. But it also isn’t uncommon for park goers to eagerly seek out a place to rest. With these new benches, the foundation not only gives weary travellers a moment’s respite, but they also contribute to the environment.

“Since 2004, the Heart foundation has been committed to the maintenance and improvement of the green heart of Amsterdam,” says the Heart Foundation website.

In addition to sprucing up the park’s benches, the group has led major clean up and renovation projects that have kept windblown leaves and trees at bay and maintained pollution-free ponds.

With their efforts, every visitor can be treated to a pristine view of the greenest place in Amsterdam. Whether you are taking a rest in view of Pablo Picasso’s The Fish statue or keeping an eye on your children wading in the kid’s pool, everyone can appreciate the efforts of the Heart Foundation.

For those who want to give their own loving touch to the park, Heart Foundation welcomes contributions. For just a few euros, donors can buy their own “piece of the park” and forever keep one foot firmly planted in one of Amsterdam’s most beloved spots.