Never Was There a Me

By Hanumandass @HanumanDass

When there is pure awareness I remember, or rather un-remember myself. I see clearly that there never was a ‘me’ in the first place. I am just an appearance in Awareness of a thing that has no permanence. I have always been here, aware of it all. Before I was born, before I opened my baby eyes…there was this Presence. But the ‘I’ that was there at my birth was not the ‘I’ which I think I am. That ‘I’ is complete, present, unfettered awareness.

This ‘I’ that I really am is unmanifest Being, a being which eternally knows itself through awareness. The ‘I’ of my body and mind construct will eventually fade, yet I will still be here, present, witnessing it all. You may know me. If you look beyond your ‘I’, your sense of self you will meet me here in this place, this presence where you and I are one. Your ‘I’ and my ‘I’ will in time dissolve and we will grin at the fact that it was all a dream. A dream we enjoyed with such passion!

Looking ‘forward’ to meeting you again, I’ll be Here waiting for you.

Jai Sri Ram

Filed under: Meditations, Nonduality