Never Should Have by Ashanti.

Posted on the 20 June 2013 by Melodicwisdom

I stumbled on today’s song by accident. I was looking for another Ashanti song and saw that she had a new single out. It’s a song about a relationship that didn’t turn out the way she thought it would. The typical story: she thought it would be happily ever after, that he would never hurt her. But in the end, she was wrong. Sure, it’s a common theme in music but it’s also one that people will never stop relating to…

Never Should Have will be featured on Ashanti’s fifth studio album, BraveHeart, which will be released in July 2013. According to Wikipedia, the singles from this album have not climbed the Billboard chart, thus placing below the Hot 100.

So this brings a question to mind: Ashanti fans, where are you?

Above is the official music video.