Never Open the Door for a Stranger

By Dltmontana

“Never open the door for a stranger.”  These are words that all of our parents have told us; however, speaking the words is not enough.  We need to role play with our children in order for them to be prepared for the unexpected.  If Mom is in the shower and Dad is not at home (or perhaps your child is at home alone and waiting for you to arrive from work) and a stranger knocks at the door, what are kids to do?  We used to tell kids to be quiet and the stranger would go away.  Today that may not be the wisest strategy.

Many times strangers are casing neighborhoods out; when they think no one is at home, they break in.  Most of the time when “strangers” see that children are present, the strangers run away — which is a good thing.   They are primarily interested in robbing the home, not harming the children.  So a good strategy for the child to use in a situation like this is to scream through the closed door, “My dad said he doesn’t want any.  Go away.”  When they hear that the person will go away for two reasons: They think Dad is home, and they realize Dad is in a bad mood.  So the strangers do not want to come in.  They’ll move on to another home in the neighborhood, leaving your child alone.

Does your child know what to do in a similar situation?  Have you role-played the above situation with your child?  Take the time to do this; give your child the decision-making skills he or she needs to handle situations with unknown people.

By: Larry Bullard - Appalachian Karate Academy Atlanta
