Never Before Have These Words Meant So Much: WELCOME SPRING

By Steph's Scribe @stephverni

Happy Spring. Photo credit:

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All day today, I lamented about the crappy weather. If you’re a snow lover, I’m sorry.  I like snow, but not this late in March. Then today, we experienced pouring rain. I sat in over an hour’s worth of traffic on my ride home from work; my ride in to work wasn’t much better.

What could make everything a little better and a little more tolerable would be some sunshine and warmer temps. I grow weary of people who talk about the weather all the time, and I try to avoid doing so, but today I feel I must jump on the bandwagon. Enough is enough. Uncle. I’m feeling depressed, tired, and am lacking a bit of motivation with some of my projects. I want to feel the grass under my feet and stick my toes in some water soon, whether it be the water at the pool, the river, or the ocean.

The way my mood is tied to weather has never been scrutinized as it has been this winter. I’m tired of being inside, and baseball’s regular season is right around the corner. If it weren’t for my friend and our Wednesday nights out, I would be walking around moping about. But tonight, we listened to a duo sing at a local pub. We had some good, hearty laughs, and it helped break up the monotony of the weather and the winter doldrums.

However, there is good news for those wanting warmer weather; tonight we say farewell to Old Man Winter (we hope).

Tomorrow we say, HELLO SPRING; you are welcome to come on in and stay a while. It feels like it’s been a bloomin’ long time since you’ve been around.