Never Allow Liberals to Look Bad

Posted on the 08 February 2013 by Thelongversion @thelongversion

Media-biasWhen it comes to acts of violence, the mainstream media never hesitates to get the “full story” on what motivated the perpetrator — provided they can somehow link the criminal to a right-of-center cause. But when alleged murderer Christopher Dorner’s manifesto emerged earlier today, revealing his hard-Left political views, most members of the media did their damnedest to bury the truth. Because if there’s one rule by which the media must play, it’s this: never allow liberals to look bad.

The Major Media is pushing a narrative that Chris Dorner, the former LAPD cop who is accused of killing one police officer and wounding two others, was a Naval Reservist, but then forgets to mention he was a gun-control advocate and major Obama supporter. I find it interesting how the media pushes the political orientation of some but not others. The media claimed that Sarah Palin inspired Jared Loughner, the kook who shot Gaby Giffords, even though there was no truth to it. They got around this by invoking a foggy “toxic atmosphere”.

Now we learn that Floyd Corkins, the nut who killed a security guard during his attack on the Family Research Council, actually WAS inspired by the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “hate map” but the media has said nothing and pretend they don’t see the connection. Joseph Stack, the man who flew his Piper Dakota airplane into the Echelon Office Complex in Austin, Texas, where the IRS had offices, was first called a Tea Partier; when they found out he was a COMMUNIST, they called him “anti-government” and misleading people into thinking he was part of the “anti-government” tea party. The Washington Post went so far as to delete the Pro-Communist message Stack had left in his suicide note.  The Washington Post decided to ignore the facts and push a narrative.

Then we have ABC News Brian Ross who erroneously reported that James Holmes, the suspect in the Aurora movie theatre shootings, may have connections to the Tea Party. His source for this breaking news? A single web page that listed an “Aurora-based Jim Holmes” as a member of the Colorado Tea Party Patriots. Come to find out there was more than one James Holmes in Aurora and the one on the Tea Party website was a 52 year-old Hispanic conservative. Apparently political background is important when reporting SOME shootings.

The hypocrisy is stifling.

Thanks to and Ace of Spades HQ