Netflix: My Initiation, Plus Valentine's Day Recos!

By Thismomloves @ThisMomLoves
Yes, I'm a Netflix newbie. And now a total convert.
My girls (now 10 and 8) loved Full House reruns so much that they spent months begging us to sign up for Netflix so they could watch the reboot, Fuller House. Early in 2016 we obliged, and signed up for a one month trial. They caught the first season of the show they were so excited about, and we caught up on House of Cards. We realized that to maintain the service we needed an upgrade to our Internet plan, so we let it expire...very reluctantly on my part. (My husband also had worries about the kids and the potential for too much screen time...I'll come back to that later.) I was even invited to join other bloggers and social media folk in the Netflix Stream Team (a coveted spot, I might say)...and declined! I know, wild, right?
After Christmas, when we had been reading and hearing everywhere about the new Netflix original series The Crown, I knew I had the argument I needed to convince my historical-drama-buff hubby that we should sign up again. (And of course the girls were wearing us down since season 2 of Fuller House was also available!)
I can't even begin to explain how much we loved binge-watching The Crown, a "fictual" series based on the young Queen Elizabeth II. I was actually sad when the season ended, and cannot wait for the next one. I will definitely be sharing more details about The Crown in the future, and as a matter of fact, it just so happens that I will be traveling to London this summer...I'm not sure if the cast will be filming at that point, but wouldn't you all to see a Momterview here with Claire Foy, who plays Queen Elizabeth II to perfection??
Netflix: My Initiation, Plus Valentine's Day Recos!
In January, I was thrilled to again receive the invitation to join the Stream Team, along with a generous start-up gift (shown above) and I committed to share valuable Netflix news here with you, and on my social media channels. You can look forward to my personal recommendations, as well as ideas for what the girls are watching as well.
For now, you may be thinking about Valentine's Day entertainment, and Netflix has you covered with some fantastic movies, all free with your subscription.
My top choices:
P.S. I Love You (with Hilary Swank and Gerard Butler; the Irish part of me especially enjoyed it)
Netflix: My Initiation, Plus Valentine's Day Recos!
Valentine's Day (the ensemble romantic comedy with more stars than I can list here)

Bridesmaids (please tell me I don't need to explain this one for you)

How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days (classic Kate Hudson/Matthew McConaughey romantic comedy)

Focus (with Will Smith and Margot Robbie, some fun twists)

Cinderella (the live-action with Lily James; you can watch this with the whole family)

As for our Internet plan, we did pay $10 per month to increase our data allowance (and we will never go over our max now) but we'd already saved over $20 month by eliminating some extra channels from our satellite plan, so financially it's still a win. (I would get rid of satellite entirely but still want the basic networks for my favorite news and talk shows, though I know I can also find them online. The time will come; I'm just not quite ready.)
As for the worry about too much screen time, what I find with the kids is now when they are allowed to watch something, it's specific - they choose Netflix in order to continue or rewatch a series they love or select a movie - and don't just get stuck with whatever happens to be playing on the TV at the moment they're granted permission. Same quantity of screen time, but better quality (and convenience). Thanks, Netflix!
Disclosure: I am a member of the Netflix Stream Team, and receive products in exchange for my participation. Opinions are, as always, my own.