As you know from our post the other day, our web developer had her account with Go Daddy hacked and someone took ownership of all the website addresses she had in the account. No information at all was compromised. The only thing that this hacker took was the actual web address, which we are still fighting to get back. Its been very difficult so far and they say that it can take up to a week to review everything and fix. We didn’t want to wait that long, so we moved our site.
We are hoping to own both sites, but for all your information on our treks and tours, please visit us at
Again, no information from the actual site was at all taken – only the ownership of the web address. We are working just as hard as ever and we promise that all your tours will not be jeopardized in any way because of this. This is only making us more passionate and work harder.
Email us as always at and visit us at!