
By Thecurlycasualista @curlycasualista
Gals, I'm doing something I've never done before. I'm nesting. All I want to do is decorate every room of my house. However, I have those lovely things known as roommates (love you two), so I really only have full artistic license in my bedroom. Which is a problem. Because I've decided I hate my bedroom furniture, and want all new things. And an entirely new aesthetic.
My bedroom is the smallest in the house, and my bedroom furniture is pretty heavy for the space, as it is the ubiquitous medium-brown color of all good Ikea furtniture. So I'm looking for something else. I've also determined that perhaps my taste is not quite so modern? I don't even know what exactly I'm looking for, but I'd like it to be something likes this:

Or maybe I can try out my DIY skills and do something like this:  or this:  Or add something similar to this: So many possibilities!
images from here