Nepali Drinks: A Comprehensive Guide to Refreshing Beverages

Posted on the 01 May 2023 by Gunsirit @gunsirit

A Comprehensive Guide to Refreshing Drinks in Nepal

Are you interested in Nepali food because you’re planning a trip there? Don’t pass up the opportunity to sample the various delicious Nepali beverages. Nepali drinks come in a variety of flavors to suit any palate, from sweet and sour to acidic and spicy. We’ll walk you through the most well-liked Nepali beverages, their components, and how they’re created in this thorough guide.


Nepal is a nation full of heritage and culture. The same is true of Nepali beverages, which form an integral component of the country’s cuisine. Nepali Drinks are not only cooling, but they also provide a number of health advantages. Nepali Drinks are a great method to stay hydrated in the country’s hot and muggy atmosphere because they are made from natural components.

Nepali Beverages: A Delectable and Healthful Source of Hydration

Nepali beverages are a healthy way to hydrate your body in addition to quenching your thirst. Nepali drinks are made from natural ingredients and are stocked with vitamins and minerals that keep you hydrated and healthy. Among the most popular beverages in Nepal are:


A Popular Nepali Drink for Any Occasion is LassiThe yogurt-based beverage known as lassi is popular not just in Nepal but also in India and Pakistan. The ingredients for lassi are yoghurt, water, and sugar. You can eat it simply or with different fruits and seasonings. It is a cool, healthful beverage that is ideal for sweltering summer days.

Chaang:  A Nepalese national beverage

A traditional Nepali alcoholic drink known as chaang is produced from fermented millet, rice, or maize. It is often served warm and has a tart and tangy flavor. In Nepal, chaang is a preferred Nepali drink during holidays and festivals. It is thought to have a variety of health advantages, including improving digestion.

Thongba: A Nepalese Beer-Like Drink Thongba

A Nepalese Beer-Like Drink Thongba is a beer-like beverage that is preferred in Nepal’s hilly regions. It is prepared by fermenting rice or millet and is typically served in a tongba, a wooden cup. After a strenuous day of mountain hiking, Thongba is a fantastic way to unwind.

Chhaang:A Nepalese Rice-Based Drink

A Nepalese Rice-Based Drink Yeast and rice are fermented to create chhaang, a rice-based alcoholic beverage. It is often served warm and has a sweet and sour flavor. In Nepal, chaang is a common winter beverage since it is thought to keep the body warm.

Jaand:A Nepalese herbal beverage

A Nepalese herbal beverage. A number of different therapeutic herbs are used to make the herbal beverage jaand. It is thought to have a host of health advantages, including enhancing immunity and enhancing digestion. In Nepal, jaand is a preferred beverage during the monsoon season.

Aila: A Homemade Nepali Liquor

Homemade aila is a liquor produced in Nepal by fermenting grains and distilling the resulting booze. It has a harsh, acrid flavor and is often served in small portions. During Nepalese festivals and celebrations, aila is a preferred beverage.

Nepal’s non-alcoholic beverages

Nepal has a wide variety of non-alcoholic beverages, such as tea, coffee, and other juices. Several of Nepal’s most popular non-alcoholic beverages are listed below:

Chiya (Tea)

One of the most consumed beverages in Nepal is tea, called “Chiya” in Nepali. It is a common beverage in many Nepalese homes and is typically served with milk and sugar.


Lassi, a yogurt-based beverage, is well-liked throughout South Asia, including Nepal. It is a cool beverage on a hot day and frequently has fruit or spice flavors.


Another yogurt-based beverage that is well-liked in Nepal is chaas chaas. It is frequently offered with meals to aid in digestion and is produced by blending yoghurt, water, and spices.


Fresh juices from a variety of fruits, such as orange, pineapple, and watermelon, are available in Nepal. They’re typically served with ice and are cool.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are Nepali beverages safe to drink?

A1. Since Nepali beverages are prepared with natural components, they are safe to ingest. However, since they can be strong, it’s important to exercise caution when consuming alcoholic beverages from Nepal.

Q2: Can I purchase Nepali beverages outside of Nepal?

A2. Some Nepali restaurants and shops outside of Nepal sell Nepali Drinks. To obtain the genuine, it is advised to consume Nepali beverages in Nepal.

3. Are Nepali beverages suitable for vegetarians or vegans?

A3. The majority of Nepali drinks are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. To be sure, it is crucial to examine the ingredients.

Can I prepare Nepali beverages at home?

A4. The majority of Nepali drinks may be manufactured at home using components that are widely accessible. Online or in cookbooks written in Nepali, you can find recipes for local libations.

Q5. When is the ideal time to indulge in Nepali beverages?

A5. Nepali beverages are ideal at any time of day. However, they are especially cooling on hot summer days or following a strenuous mountain walk.

Is alcohol in Nepal expensive?

A6. No,

Nepali drinks can be purchased at neighborhood markets and tea shops for a reasonable price.


In addition to being tasty and refreshing, Nepali drinks are a good way to remain hydrated. Nepali beverages contain something for everyone, from the acidic and sour chaang to the sweet and sour lassi. Try some of the most well-known Nepali drinks whether you’re interested in Nepali cuisine or just planning a trip there.

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