Neotenids and Their Parallel Information Economy

Posted on the 20 August 2015 by Calvinthedog


From the fascinating Aeoli Pera site. I haven’t the slightest idea how to characterize this site except to say that this fellow is absolutely brilliant.

In this post, he links to my recently reposted Secular Rise in Black IQ and Head Size: Evidence For a Eugenic Effect.

His theory is that we are indeed creating a new race here in the Americas.

Neotenids shall be defined as the new race born of interbreeding, dysgenics, and general infantilization in the American lower classes.

“Neotenid” is the word I made up for the converging American single race of people, which is very neotenous and has relatively high verbal intelligence (~100). For reference, they look like Gabriel Iglesias.

An example of the new mixed-race Neotenid race forming in the US.

Change the gender or the skin color of Gabriel Iglesias and you have a pretty good idea of the full range of neotenid appearance.

It’s not a great situation, but this is what happens. That’s what people become in order to survive a very efficient top-down, R-selecting totalitarian organization, like in traditional China. Put epicanthic folds on Iglesias, replace the empathy with visuospatial intelligence (artifact of Chinese eugenics/ruthlessness), and you have a mongoloid. It’s like how when you mix dogs, you always eventually end up with something that looks like dingos.

Major personality characteristics of American neotenids: 105 verbal IQ, 85 visual IQ (maxes out assembling an Ikea table), exogenous ESFP, highly impressionable and highly responsive to authority/expectations/media, low to nonexistent discernment, high sadism/humor but very rabbity response to actual, nearby violence. Imagine YouTube personified.

Absolutely fascinating. Do you think he is onto something? It’s not quite Idiocracy, is it? Brazil 2.0 in the Northern Hemisphere?