- A double helping of Charlotte this time, as I was away sipping cocktails and working on my tan in Atlanta at Dragoncon.
- This show has gone from superpower to school comedy to crusading team to tragedy to melodrama to science fiction to X-men, like it can’t find any kind of balance. It’s become way too many genres piled into one show, and I can’t think what will come up in the final two episodes, which I actually cannot wait for, purely because I want this over and done with.
- I’m always very skeptical when it comes to shows concerning time travel. This can go right from Steins;Gate to Madoka Magica. Do I think the writers chose those shows (Madoka Magica in particular) as a direct influence? Yes, absolutely. And I believe it was executed very poorly too. And that alone seems to be a catalyst for me. A downward spiral. I stopped caring about Joujirou and Yusa/Misa long ago, and now I no longer care about Yuu, now that he has somehow acquired a mass of abilities making him “The One”.
- You’d think that now he’s become more of an important MC that he’d be up there, but he is still a bit of a melodramatic self-pitying emo, leaving creepy onii-san to take over his role and give all his attention to Imouto. Also with his massive amount of abilities, people are choosing to avoid him like the plague, and when the suicide mission of rescuing Nao and Pooh-bear comes, only he can do it. Being thrust from a harmless date with Nao to having the ability to save those afflicted with the abilities the Charlotte comet (yes! It is a thing now!)…and not being allowed to leave the super-secret mountain facility ‘for his own safety’. Shuunsuke has become across as a bit of a hypocrite, making his own brother a prisoner – something he is fighting against.
Yes. And our love will be stronger than ever!
- Shuunsuke is making out to be a wondrous crusader who has worked hard to make the movement the way it is, but I still do not trust him. It’s those emotionless eyes, even when he was younger, he comes across as the leader type, but it’s just seems as if he has another agenda; something he won’t reveal to Yuu. But then when it comes to RL, it’s hard for me to find trust in people…he could well be one of the good guys, like I suspected Nao was (and she turned out to be).
- Despite its story that makes the viewer want to seem interested in these guys, watching Charlotte has now become a serious bore for me. Even Nao and Imouto are losing their magic touch, as they have both become too predictable for their own good. Nao was the great crusader, giving it her all to stop/prevent kids from using their abilities (so they won’t get kidnapped), has been put on the sidelines, now that an actual ‘resistance movement’ has come to light. Maybe she’ll act as a Trinity to Yuu’s “The One” (and Shuunsuke being Morpheus). Maybe she won’t, and will just fizzle away into the background. A worst case scenario will be that either she or Imouto will actually kick the bucket next week, therefore prompting Yuu to make his mission personal…he won’t have to go down the route of cup noodles, arcade shooting games and stabbing people with tiny sticks like last time though…
- But eh, that’s all pure speculation, because I have no clue what the final two episodes will bring us. And the fact that there are so many theories is what drives me crazy even more. Now that Yuu’s abilities are much more restricted now that his right eye is injured, The Man can easily come in and launch an invasion on the mountain facility, thanks to the snitch giving away their location (I would gather that he did anyway). With episode 10 giving us viewers a glimpse (FINALLY!) on who this big brother Yuu suspected he has, and despite the slightly implausible reasons he gave (call me a sceptic), Yuu ends up believing him. So why was episode 11 so rushed? The rescue of Ayumi, taking her to the facility, Yuu being told he can’t leave the place (and get owned at Mahjong), us discovering what ‘Charlotte’ actually means, and Pooh-bear and Nao getting kidnapped, resulting in the former’s sacrifice…all mass rush, covered in the 24-minutes P.A Works had to spare. It should have been 2 episodes.
- Poor Shuusuke, having to watch his boyfriend go in such a horrible way. If only he was Homura. Oh wait then that would have made him more crazy and paranoid…and then we’d have to feel sorry for Pooh-bear, for being stalked so much…
- Well, with his new collapse ability obtained from Imouto, Yuu can always do a Tetsuo when his world crumbles more around him. That could make a cool scene. Jun Maeda is still delivering the good in his trademark Studio Key way (only adding action, violence and blood), but to me, it feels like it’s either disappearing into a tiny pulp, or we’ll be getting some kind of extraordinary finale. As I say, my guess is as good as yours.