#nelsoncarvalheiro for FITUR 2014 European Travel Blogger (FINAL VOTE)

By Nelsoncarvalheiro

Thanks to all your votes, on and , my travel blog has made it to the final round of the FITUR 2014 European Travel Blogger. I am very proud of the support that was shown by all of you and send you back big hug!

Now, the final vote will take place until the 9th of December and I will need all your help to win!

Remember that everyone can vote via their and accounts, so vote twice if you can because every vote counts!

How to Vote via Twitter : Click this link : Twitter Vote

(Mention the organizers twitter account @Fitur_ and myhashtag in the same tweet #nelsoncarvalheiro

Tweet Example : FITUR TravelBlogger 2014 #nelsoncarvalheiro @Fitur_)

How to Vote via Facebook : Click this link

(Facebook voting is not available on mobile phones) How to Vote via weblink:

Clicking on the link below, will take you to the voting page, where you can choose to vote through Twitter or Facebook.
