Neil Tyson MasterClass Review 2020: Why You Should Join It?

Posted on the 24 April 2020 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Neil Tyson MasterClass Review

If you belong to the field of science, more particularly a scientific researcher, then there are many aspects in that field that often hinder your progress when it comes to working with a hypothesis, developing theories, evaluation and re-evaluation of results, and communicating your research with the audience.

There are many roadblocks that can come in the way. For you to figure them out on your own can be a time-consuming task. But you can now learn and master the art of how to think about aspects differently and communicate them to people more effectively, then Neil deGrasse Tyson's Masterclass for scientific thinking and communication can be your perfect solution!

This thought-provoking course covers many unique aspects that you won't find in any other masterclass course. Particularly scientists, researchers, and people who are in a leadership role would really benefit from this masterclass.

Who is Neil deGrasse Tyson?

Neil deGrasse Tyson is a famous and well-known astrophysicist and author who has been working at the Hayden Planetarium of the Rose Center for Earth and Space as the Frederick P. Rose Director since 1996. He is also known professionally for his skills as a and science communicator. Tyson founded the Department of Astrophysics at the American Museum of Natural History in 1997 and since 2003, has been working in the department as a research associate.

Before embarking on his professional career, Tyson studied elite institutions like Harvard University, Columbia University, and the University of Texas at Austin. He was also a postdoctoral research associate from 1991 to 1994 at Princeton University, after which he the Hayden Planetarium as a staff scientist. He worked simultaneously as a visiting research scientist and lecturer at Princeton faculty and became the director of the planetarium in 1996.

Neil Tyson MasterClass Review 2020 | (Can You Really Trust This?)

Welcome to Neil deGrasse Tyson Masterclass!

For all those crazy for science and astrophysics geeks out there, Neil deGrasse Tyson has come up with his own Masterclass to teach scientific thinking and communication! Neil aims to help his students open up their minds and ask the right questions, with an attempt to seek out objective truth. That is his primary course of action in this masterclass! Throughout the masterclass, he keeps sharing the tools and methods he uses to understand what is exactly going on. Basically, the aim is to find objective truth!

He also continues to explain how to communicate to others the things you have learned down more effectively. He wants you to think for yourself and ask the right questions whenever and wherever needed.

Check our in-depth MasterClass review here:

Neil Tyson MasterClass!

It's absolutely ok to think that science is all about data and facts. Because that is actually true to a great extent. However, Tyson tries to explain to you that it is much more than just that! The biggest breakthroughs in the history of science and technology have come when thinkers and inventors use that data and come up with theories. They then develop a platform for exploring and understanding what most likely might have happened. In the process, they try to uncover further sets of data and facts.

Tyson then continues to talk about scientific thinking, which he claims to be all about asking the right questions! To do it the right way, you need to observe things properly and then ask yourself accordingly, why that might be the case! Then carry on with your experiment and research to check if your hypothesis is correct. Reaching the right conclusion requires you to monitor the results, so you can analyze things further.

Tyson also has his workbook that consists of additional information to aid the content he is explaining in his videos. In that, he shares interesting and easy to understand examples of how many of his principles really work. Her methods are practical applications to help improve your scientific thinking, that can help you in your everyday life!

Turning the hypothesis into a theory - Examples!

If you understand the actual meaning of the term "Hypothesis", then you should be aware that it is all imagination and possibilities. Turning these possibilities into theory is what Neil teaches in this section. The best example he gives is of how scientists realized that when Newton´s Laws were not working as expected, there were planets that existed that they could not see.

When things don't add up, re-evaluate!

The biggest challenge that head scientists often face is when things do not add up the way they were expecting. That is when they have to re-evaluate their theories. The best way of doing this is by revisiting your facts and data, analyzing it, and questioning yourself if there is something wrong in it. Neil uses the example of Neptune to demonstrate how this should be done.

Taking account of your own bias!

Every single person is biased to a certain extent. It is thus very critical and tricky to realize and handle because it is also important to check your findings and conclusions in the context of your own prejudices.

This section was a little tricky to understand just through the video, so the workbook will come in to be really useful and help you understand the content of the video better. Neil is amazing at explaining most of the things in a very simplified manner. But there are certain places where he fails to provide sufficient information and evidence to satisfy viewers with his concepts. Those are the places where his workbook provides that additional bit of information needed.

Through his video and workbook, you will get to learn about six different ways human beings tend to be biased.

  • Assuming that something is happening, simply because you are special
  • Cognitive bias
  • Confirmation bias
  • Tuning in to things that are most important for you

Managing your cultural bias!

There are times when people often tend to believe that their culture is more superior than that of others. Having such kind of thinking can have a huge impact on how you think and what you do. Moreover,

it greatly affects how you treat others! Thinking yourself to be culturally superior can be a very dangerous way of thinking. That's why Neil urges you to be very aware of this. He further urges you to learn to think around your bias!

Never be blinded by politics!

Neil understands the fact that people often tend to get brainwashed very easily. He explains that one should always be wary of being told the same things to them without proof again and again. This is something that the majority of people politicians and dictators have done successfully throughout centuries.

Neil talks about the scientific method!

Neil explains that the scientific method is no rocket science involving complicated formulas or data. It simply involves you doing whatever it takes to reach where ever you want to go. He firmly states that there is no guide book for doing this! You need to work it out yourself as to what experiments are needed. When it comes to science, your experiments must allow nature to show you the way. You will understand this concept more easily once you see the excellent examples Neil provides in his video.

How to communicate difficult concepts to others!

What is the point of making discoveries which you can't explain to anyone else? All your hard work and efforts go waste if you end up in this situation. Neil Tyson is an accomplished Science communicator, and he uses those very skills to teach you how to become a good communicator yourself.

This is something that Neil has done over the many years and has become very good at. He shares some important tips in this section of the course to teach you how to improve your ability to communicate tricky and difficult concepts to others.

Know your audience!

It is very important to know your audience and understand how they think to be able to communicate with them effectively! Neil Tyson states that this is a very important aspect of your preparation. You will always need to analyze the demographics of the people you are speaking to, that is your audience. This will help you understand their level of understanding of the subject you will present to them.

If you do this the right way, then you will be able to figure out important parameters you can work around, including identifying the language to communicate in. Furthermore, you will also be able to come up with examples to explain your work in a way that your audience can relate to. This will surely make it much easier and quicker for them to understand what you are trying to present to them.

Communication tactics that always work

Communication is the medium that will take your thoughts to your audiences. So it is very important to employ the right communication tactics that are easy to apply and also effective. These include:

Generating curiosity in your audience!

This is one most interesting parts of the course where Neil Tyson explains how you generate curiosity in your audience! He as a presenter always likes to take the audience on a journey by stimulating their curiosity! He does so by gradually walking them through various levels of information. You will be able to have a clear understanding of this by watching Neil's video, where he elaborates his views through a very good example.

  • Using humor
  • Energizing your delivery
  • Creating curiosity
  • Creating and using soundbites

Masterclass All-access Pass

There is so much to learn through the Masterclass platform that at one point, you would want to take more than just one course. Well, you certainly can! But honestly, buying individual courses at a time will be quite expensive for you. Instead, you can purchase the Masterclass all-access pass that will cost you $170. This pass will allow you to access over 70 masterclass courses that are available.

I recommend you buy the all-access pass because it is a great value for money deal. You will have to shell out something around $180 anyway if you would buy just two courses. So, as you see, you are getting access to all the courses at the same price, without any extra charges! You will be able to explore courses that cover subjects like filmmaking, music, athletics, writing, storytelling, cooking, and a lot more.

Neil Tyson MasterClass Reviews & Student Ratings

Conclusion: Neil Tyson MasterClass Review 2020

This masterclass covers a very unique subject that won't please everyone. It will be a great learning experience for anyone who is from a science background and wants to learn the principles involved in uncovering information, creating theories, and communicating complicated subjects to people. There are however some sections in the course that other people can benefit from as well, particularly learning how to take your audience on a journey.

If you want to master the art of effective communication, then also you are very likely to benefit from this masterclass. All in all, Neil deGrasse Tyson's Scientific Thinking and Communication Masterclass is certainly a pleasant learning ground for many people!

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