Neil Patel’s Marketing Strategy – A Full Review 2019

Posted on the 17 October 2019 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Neil Patel is possibly the leading digital marketing guru. He has thousands of daily visitors to his blog, and millions of people use his marketing tools. What business owner wouldn't want to do marketing like Neil Patel?

If you want to run your marketing like Neil, and if you can afford it, you can hire his agency, Neil Pate Digital. Judging from the reviews that Neil Patel Digital receives, working with his team is a high-ROI experience. But if you can't afford marketing rock star prices, there's an alternative. Neil is extremely open with his marketing ideas, sharing them in webinars, blog posts, podcasts, videos and guest posts.

He makes it as easy as possible for you to apply the marketing strategy, tools, and tactics that attract millions of eyes every month, in order to bring in more business in the Neil Patel style. Here are just some of the biggest takeaways from reviewing Neil Patel and his marketing strategies, based on what he teaches on his blog and in his Marketing School podcast.

Customer Reviews

Judging by what Neil blogs about, customer reviews are a central pillar to Neil's marketing strategy. His review tactics are straightforward and open, as you can see from his many posts on the topic.

For a start, Neil asks for reviews regularly, without feeling at all shy about it. Every blog post ends by asking your opinion on the topic. This mentality of always asking for reviews leads to results.

What's more, Neil makes it really easy for people to leave a review. He has a presence on every major social media channel, and has a comments section on every blog post and YouTube video. He also tries his best to respond to the comments and reviews that people leave, from short comments like "Let's talk about that leather jacket you're wearing" and "Great tips!" to long questions from new bloggers and business owners who are working on applying his tactics.

Here is the interview of Neil Patel:

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SEO is one of the primary strategies included on Neil Patel Digital's list of services, and the importance of SEO and new ways to maximize it are among the main topics on Neil's marketing blog. Neil's blog ranks #1 for digital marketing, which is the most competitive keyword going, so his tactics must be working.

Neil places SEO as a vital element to content marketing, saying, "While I often spend 4-5 hours writing my blog posts, the ten minutes I spend optimizing each post are easily the most important."

Neil's SEO strategies are multi-layered, but here are some of the most important:

  • Neil has his own SEO tools, which he uses to optimize his strategy as well as individual articles and landing pages. He urges every business to start with the basics, including keywords in tags, alt image descriptions, and meta-descriptions, but he also encourages you to place keywords in the URLs. If you look at the URLs for Neil's blog posts, you'll see that they are all shrewdly optimized.
  • Make the most of keywords. Neil strongly recommends using keyword planners and doing keyword research to find the right keywords for your business. He writes that it's important to avoid keywords that are so competitive that you'd never be able to rank for them.
  • Create linkbacks to your site, in as many places as possible. Neil does this all the time, but because he's in so much demand, he gets linkbacks from the New York Times and Forbes. He reminds readers to regularly check their accumulated linkbacks to make sure that they aren't broken, and verify that these links go on valuable sites that build your reputation.
  • Neil makes sure that his content is really high quality, not just stuffed with keywords, as you can see from every single blog post he publishes.
  • Neil's SEO tactics include technical issues, like being mobile friendly and having a fast page speed.
  • Translate your content into many languages. Neil's own blog is translated into languages other than English, like Portuguese for his large Brazilian following.


All the posts about PR on Neil's blog seem to be guest posts by other writers, but we'll assume that he stands by their advice, too. Through the guest posts on his own blog and his own activity on third-party publications, Neil highlights the merger between content marketing and PR, emphasizing that PR is what makes your content visible and brings it to more eyes.

When you do PR like Neil, you'll reach out to the right people to get your stories to the audience who want to read them. Neil's honest advice is that PR is best done through a professional, but if you do it yourself, you can use social media to connect with influencers who can extend your reach.

Neil recommends that you create relationships with individuals in the media by reaching out through email, making it clear what value you're bringing to the table, but still accepting their "no" if you are turned down.

Inbound Marketing

If Neil's blog posts are anything to go by, his inbound marketing strategy is very strong. One key element is guest blogging, which you probably noticed that he does a lot.

Neil makes sure that his guest blog posts are long-form, in-depth, valuable content. He recommends posts of 2,200-2,500 words, several times a week - and he writes them, too. Neil's blog posts stand out for being long, detailed, actionable guides that give real practical help.

It also helps to land more guest posts if you have strong co-marketing relationships in place. You can review Neil Patel's strategies around "partner networks" here.

Neil's inbound marketing strategies also include using live chat, not forms, to gather visitor details, because no one wants to fill out a form anymore. You'll notice that Neil's own blog has a live chat window, but no forms.

Neil Patel's Marketing Strategy is a Winner for All

Whether you're thinking of shelling out to hire Neil Patel's marketing agency, or you want to try to follow in his footsteps on your own, it's clear that Neil's own digital marketing strategy is successful.

Neil frequently writes that anyone can succeed at digital marketing as long as they follow his principles, so now it's your turn to prove him right.