Need a Refresh?–13 Easy Spring-Cleaning Tips

By Ty Watson

If you're like most people, spring cleaning is the last thing on your to-do list, but someone has to do it. Here are 13 easy spring-cleaning tips that help you get the job done effectively without hiring a professional and spending countless hours cleaning.

1. Break Your Cleaning Efforts into Segments

Try to break down your cleaning efforts into small segments. Waking up early in the morning to clean all day without breaks or direction is counterproductive. Create a plan for your cleaning efforts. You may not clean your home from top to bottom in one day, but that's okay. When you're ready to clean, take things one step at a time. For example, dust one room at a time and continue until you've completed your chores. Once you've finished dusting, choose something else in the room to clean. You can clean one room at a time or clean one thing in your home at a time. You can also clean in time intervals, such as cleaning one room for 10 minutes, then taking a break. Whichever works best, as long as you are making progress.

2. Organize Your Items

Organization is an essential part of spring cleaning. Go through your clothing and items in your home and determine if you need them. If you don't use an item, consider selling it or giving it to Goodwill. If you have furniture you want to replace, check out Home of Cozy for furniture reviews and pick a style that matches your room's theme.

3. Take Care of the Seasonal Chores

Chores need to be done, but some chores have to be done seasonally. Incorporate your chores for warmer weather into your spring-cleaning routine. Different seasonal chores can include cleaning the grill, the outside of your windows, and the patio as soon as possible.

4. Avoid Using Harsh Cleaning Chemicals

Try to use all-natural cleaning products. Using harsh cleaning chemicals may seem to work better, but they can cause various health concerns. The good news is you can disinfect your home without the after-effects of using strong cleansers.

5. Take Your Time Cleaning

Spring cleaning isn't a race to the finish line, although you may be ready to get it over and done. Take your time and clean your home. Rushing to spot clean your home is counterproductive, and it's best to get things done right the first time. Set aside a few hours each day, so you can thoroughly clean each room in your home, including your garage, shed, and other places. You'll feel better and be glad you took the time to clean.

6. Establish New Cleaning Routines

Springtime is the perfect time to establish new cleaning habits. Establishing new cleaning routines helps you maintain a clean home and keep your home organized. Getting in the habit of cleaning your home a different way can save time and money.

7. Create a To-Do List

When you're ready to clean your home during the spring, create a to-do list to help you stay on track. You can clean a new room in your home each day and pace yourself, so you won't feel like you have to rush to complete everything.

8. Declutter Your Home

It's easy to see cute items in the store and feel like you need them in your home. When you get home, you realize you don't have anywhere to put anything. Take time to declutter your home to better help you with organizing.

9. Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet

One thing most people forget when they're cleaning their home is to clean out their medicine cabinet. Throw away all medications that are expired. Make sure you're disposing of the medicines correctly according to your local laws and regulations. You should also organize your emergency medical supplies and stock up on the necessities.

10. Sort Your Shoes

Take a day to sort your shoes. If some of your shoes are damaged, use creative ways to repair them or throw them out. If the shoes are in good shape, consider donating them. It's a good idea to clean the floor of your closet before putting your shoes back.

11. Clean Your Appliances

Cleaning your appliances helps improve their longevity. When you're cleaning your appliances, clean them inside and out, from top to bottom, and their plugs. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for cleaning.

12. Clean Out Your Car

Another thing you can for spring clean is your car. Throw out the trash and remove the floor mats before you vacuum the inside. Clean the outside of your car with an environmentally friendly, so you don't ruin your paint job.

13. Clean Out Your Refrigerator

Your refrigerator can be a primary hub for germs and bacteria if it's not cleaned regularly. Disinfect your fridge and throw out any food and other items that are spoiled or expired. Use baking soda to eliminate refrigerator odors.

Spring cleaning doesn't have to be a frustrating and daunting task. Set aside enough time for you to clean your home and be creative as you go! Before you know it, your house will sparkle and shine, and you'll be proud of yourself.