Necole Bitchie Talks About Her Blogging Career WithThe Loop 21

Posted on the 02 August 2011 by Cynisright @cynisright


Nothing like a true rags to riches story. Necole “Bitchie” Kane was recently the focus of an interview over on The Loop 21. In the article, she discusses her family life – losing both parents in a short amount of time.

Excerpt from The Loop 21:

As far as urban bloggers go, Necole Bitchie is one on a very short list of success stories. Since launching in 2007, the site and it’s namesake creator Necole Kane have enjoyed many firsts. From being the first blogger to appear on BET’s 106 & Park to being shouted out on VH1’s Single Ladies, bitchin’ has paid off. However, Kane’s success didn’t come without hardships and grief.

Her parents passed away two years apart from each other. Alone, Kane had to figure out what direction to take and, of course, had some missteps along the way. This is the story you won’t see on her popular blog, which focuses on black celebrity news and gossip. She entertains 1.1 million unique visitors a month and has secured a spot on Electronic Villager’s Top 10 Urban Blogs. She has spun her success to include several ventures including the now defunct BitchieLife, a lifestyle extension of her blog. “My immediate focus is small productions and exclusive interviews for Bitchie TV,” Kane says. And despite rumors that she sold, the power-blogger feels too emotionally connected to the site to sell it at the moment.

She also goes into detail about what prompted her to start her blog and the struggles she faced inwardly and from those around her.