Nearly There…

By Claire

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Days to go: 2

Our planning journey is almost over! Today we picked up the suits for the boys and have been putting all finishing touches into place and packing for honeymoon. We’ve also been making lists to ensure we don’t forget anything tomorrow when we depart for the castle and so the boys don’t forget anything when they make their way over on Friday morning. Whilst Richard takes the cats on their little holiday tomorrow, I’m spending all morning in the salon with the girls tomorrow and to complete the experience I will be taking champagne and the salon are providing us with yummy cupcakes done out in the colour scheme of our wedding!

I’ve had lots of butterflies in my tummy today and I can probably safely say they will remain with me until 12:30pm on Friday when the marriage ceremony is over and we can party on down! I can’t quite believe how close it is now!

I’d like to thank you all for being with me during these last few months of planning and preparation – it wouldn’t have been the same without you all! I’m signing off now until after the honeymoon – but no doubt you’ll be able to keep up to date with some of my activities on Twitter – although I’m not planning to use my phone much whilst we’re away enjoying the sun, sea and champagne!

This is where we’re getting off to on Saturday afternoon: Shandrani Resort and Spa, Mauritius. I don’t think it has quite sunk in yet that I get to spend a heavenly two weeks with my new husband in such an amazing place – I haven’t read a bad review yet! Huge thanks to Anne, Richard’s mum for giving us such an amazing wedding present! I still can’t quite believe it!

Sun, sea, champagne and my new husband - bliss!

My parents and sister are on their way to our house now from down south with my mum’s hat in tow, so I’m off to make a lasagne – the last meal I will share with Richard as his fiancée! I’m hoping to have a little wedding preview for you on Saturday which I may be able to share on Twitter, so follow me if you want a sneak peak!

Bye for now lovelies, I’ll be back!

Salma x