NBC Reportedly Ending 30 Rock And The Office After This Season… Could It Be Worse?

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

According to USA Today, NBC will be ending the Office and 30 Rock this season. We at NotTheWorstNews headed to NBC’s web site to see if there were 3 objectively worse shows on America’s not-so-popular network. So here are:

3 Worse Shows That NBC Could Cancel Than 30 Rock and The Office

1. America’s Got Talent. It certainly does. On NBC’s Thursday night line-up. If we wanted to see people spinning plates, we’d hang out at tourist trap seaports and see buskers do it live. Still, we’re confident that the casts of the Office and 30 Rock will find themselves gainfully employed in Hot Tub Time Machine-like movies for years to come, while we’re less confident that the demand for plate spinning will remain steady as more and more Americans stop using plates because we fully expect Taco Bell to replace all plates with Doritos.

Comedy fans can still treat yo selves to Parks and Recreation on NBC if it stays on the air. Or treat you selves to this web site, where we’ve decided to release our latest post right in direct competition with tonight’s West Coast airing of America’s Got Talent.

2. Betty White’s Off Their Rockers. If you’ve ever seen Punk’d or Candid Camera, you know what this show is about. Pranks. And not very good pranks. The biggest prank in the history of this show is that the actors in the promo ad look surprised at whatever they just witnessed in this non-surprising show. Anyway, we think cancelling this would be worse than cancelling the Office, because Betty White might just think the whole cancellation thing is a prank, and use her suddenly greater free time to make more episodes of Hot in Cleveland.

3. London 2012 Olympics! We loved the Olympics, and would be very sad if NBC went back in time and cancelled the event. There are so many worse incidents in history they could cancel from their Hot Tub Time Machine. Like say, the entire Friends spin-off, Joey. But since we did recall watching the Closing Ceremonies over a week ago, we do wonder why the Olympics are still on NBC’s online show list.